To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.
Marianna Giannaki picture
Marianna Giannaki is a Civil Engineer – Transportation Planner, working as a research associate at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT) of the Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) since July 2021. She received her diploma in Civil Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). She is a registered Civil Engineer in the Technical Chamber of Greece. She actively participates in Research Laboratory B4: "Freight transport and logistics", while her main research interests focus on the fields of sustainable urban transportation and logistics. She speaks fluent English, Italian and German. Her main responsibilities are the development of project deliverables and scientific articles in international and national conferences.
Contact Details

Research Associate Dipl. Civil Engineer
6th Km. Charilaou - Thermi
Po.Code. 57001
Po.Box. 60361
Tel. +30.2311.257638
Fax. +30.2310.498269
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Curriculum Vitae

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