Software Engineer, MSc in IT and Data Communications
6th Km. Charilaou - Thermi
Po.Code. 57001
Po.Box. 60361
Tel. +30.2310.498469
Fax. +30.2310.498269
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Curriculum Vitae
Pavlos Spanidis
Pavlos Spanidis was born in Veria in 1980. He has graduated as a Software Engineer from Salford University of England (BSc in 2003) and he is specialized in Telecommunications (MSc in 2004) in software development for NOKIA cell phones in Symbian OS in Lancaster University of England. He speaks fluently English and well German. From 2006 he is a research associate of the Hellenic Institute of Transports with main specialized areas the development of software for people with disabilities and also the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (A.D.A.S.).
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