To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

The HIT Transport Observatory and Data Management Portal, is comprised of twelve high speed servers, and is a web based portal that provides Transport Data for Greece, Management of such data, and Process services, supporting the Transport Research Community in Greece and abroad.

The HIT portal - www.komvos-imet.gr - manages raw and ICT processed data to offer the following services to users:

  • Observatory, Routing, Transport planning and simulation tools.
  • Infomobility Center, Innovation Incubation, Test Platform.
  • Software (transportation planning and modeling and GIS). The main software used includes:
    1. VISUM: macroscopic transportation modeling.
    2. VISSIM: microscopic traffic simulation.
    3. AIMSUN: macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic simulation.
    4. DYNUS-T: mesoscopic dynamic traffic assignment.
    5. GIS: Geographic Information Systems tools.
  • Traffic information (EasyTrip equipment) and Interactive monitors installed in various parts of the city and the Thessaloniki’s town hall.
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