The online platform "e - Drive Academy", whose educational content has been created by HIT/ CERTH and aims at educating students on road behavior and safety, is now being implemented in schools. The online platform contains educational material created by scientists and researchers from the Hellenic Institute of Transport. In the content of this platform, teachers can find the curriculum for traffic education and road safety, appropriately designed for Primary school and High school students. Books, brochures, presentations, videos and games will teach the students the basic rules for traffic safety on the streets and around them, paying particular attention to vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. The aim of this innovative program is to educate students of all levels with parallel training of teachers and drivers of all ages and types (professionals, drivers with disabilities, elderly drivers, etc.). See more information for the project here.
The "e - Drive Academy" educational platform is available at:, where one can be informed about its operation.
The authors - creators of the project
Students of the 1st - 3rd Primary School classes
Evangelos Bekiaris
Eleni Chalkia
Stamatina Loukea
Students of the 4th -6th Primary School classes
Evangelos Bekiaris
Eleni Chalkia
Stamatina Loukea
Teachers of the 1st -6th Primary School classes
Eleni Chalkia
Stamatina Loukea
Eleni Chalkia
Parents of Students of the 1st -6th Primary School classes
Eleni Chalkia
Stamatina Loukea
Eleni Chalkia
Junior High School
Maria Tsami
Athanasios Tsioutras
Junior High School Teachers
Maria Tsami
Stamatina Loukea
Eleni Chalkia
Junior High School Students
Maria Tsami
Stamatina Loukea
Eleni Chalkia
Senior High School Students
Evangelia Gaitanidou
Maria Tsami
Maria Gkemou
George Iakovidis
Ioannis Symeonidis
Athanasios Tsioutras
Ioannis Symeonidis
Teachers of Senior High School
Maria Tsami
Parents of Students of Senior High School
Maria Tsami
Eleni Chalkia
Stamatina Loukea
Maria Panou
Athanasios Tsioutras
Eleni Chalkia
George Souflas
Handbook for Older Drivers
Katerina Touliou
Training of Professional Drivers
Ioannis Symeonidis
Maria Tsami
John Alertas
Ioannis Symeonidis
Maria Tsami
John Alertas
Training of Professional Drivers
Ioannis Symeonidis
Maria Tsami
John Alertas
Training of Professional Drivers
Ioannis Symeonidis
Maria Tsami
John Alertas
Eleni Chalkia
Maria Gkemou
Eleni Chalkia
Maria Gkemou
Maria Gkemou
John Alertas
Styliani Nikolaou
John Alertas
Katerina Touliou
Eleni Chalkia
Styliani Nikolaou
Walking of older people
Katerina Touliou
John Alertas