ISTEN (Integrated and Sustainable Transport in Efficient Network) was officially launched during its kick-off meeting in Reggio Calabria (February 22-23, 2018).The project, which has been approved with a €1.3 million budget, co-financed by the Adriatic-Ionian (ADRION) Transnational Cooperation Programme (ERDF and IPA II funds), will last for 24 months.
The objective pursued by the project is to enhance the cooperation at both local/regional and transnational levels with regard to freight transport innovative solutions, to improve its efficiency and boost integration between ports and inland infrastructures, involving relevant stakeholders. The project’s final output will be an Action Plan for improving port-hinterland intermodal connections in the regions of the ADRION Programme.
ISTEN involves a variety of research institutions, local authorities and port operators in the ADRION region, namely the following: (1) the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria - Lead Partner (Italy), (2) the Emilia-Romagna’s Institute for Transport & Logistics Foundation (Italy), (3) the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea (Italy), (4) the Port of Koper (Slovenia), (5) the Port of Thessaloniki (Greece), (6) the Hellenic Institute of Transport – CERTH/HIT (Greece), (7) the Regional Council of Durrës (Albania), (8) the Port of Bar (Montenegro), (9) the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (Serbia) and(10) the Port Authority of Šibenik (Croatia). Furthermore, the collaboration of Bologna Inland Terminal, Emilia-Romagna Region, the University of Belgrade, Durrës Port Authority and the South East Europe Transport Observatory(SEETO) as associated partners ensuresa widerimpact of the ISTEN results.