To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

We are pleased to inform you that today is the ACTIVAGE 2nd Open Call launching.

The ACTIVAGE project is an EU-funded initiative under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, and its main objective is to develop evidence of the positive impact of Internet of Things (IoT) based technologies and solutions on improving the quality of life, health and autonomy of older persons.

In this Open Call, ACTIVAGE offers the opportunity to third parties to contribute in the development and sustainability of the project, working in a European environment and getting financial support.

Relevant information:

  • Aim: enlarge the ACTIVAGE ecosystem with mature Deployment Sites, a concept used in ACTIVAGE to describe cities and regions that are already providing Internet of Things based services oriented to promote an Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) of older populations. The New Deployment Sites (NDSs) must offer solutions replicating the uses cases defined and demonstrate interoperability capabilities with the ACTIVAGE IoT Ecosystem Suite (AIOTES) framework.
  • Target: cities and regions in the EU that are willing and committed to Set Up ACTIVAGE, Internet of Things (IoT) for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) ecosystem framework and services in their local ambit.
  • Budget:000€, with a maximum of 3 projects funded.
  • Deadline: June 21st 2019 at 5 pm CET.
  • Project duration: 9 months starting on September 2019.

If you want apply, find all the required documentation and steps to follow for submitting you proposal on the Open Call section of the website.

Naturally, if you know any city or region that can benefit from the Open Call funding, please feel free to share this information among your networks using your habitual channels of communication.

ACTIVAGE Open Call team.


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