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The Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT) of the Center for Research and Technology Hellas (C.E.R.T.H) organized the 3rd Governance Board Meeting of the European research project infra4Dfuture ("i4Df") on 2 and 3 May 2019. The meeting took place in the premises of CERTH in Thessaloniki and it was attended by 20 project partners who engaged in a constructive dialogue on the progress of the project and exchanged ideas on its continuation and dissemination of results.

The aim of the i4Df initiative, which is funded by Horizon 2020, is to develop an integrated strategy and coordination mechanism for the modernization of European transport infrastructure, including a shared strategic vision on future infrastructure capabilities and common pathways for innovation development and implementation. The final goal of the project is the founding of the infra4Dfuture Stakeholder Platform for Infrastructure Innovation and Implementation which will ensure a continuation of the coordination mechanism and a shared vision beyond the duration of the project.


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