On Sunday 22.09.2019, at the new coastline of Thessaloniki (Nea Paralia), the VOLTάρω (VOLTARO) event took place for the 3rd consecutive year, aimed to demonstrate and disseminate the best practices in sustainable urban mobility and raise public awareness.
HIT/CERTH was represented by Mr. Michael A. Gogas, who was in charge of demonstrating the Institute’s “Mobile Driving Simulator for cars”, established inside a specially equipped van of HIT/CERTH. The aim of the participation was supporting the event and its activities, as well as providing information and guidance on safe and eco driving (ecologic and economic) practices in several traffic and environmental conditions, through different driving scenarios.
Amongst a large number of visitors, the Institute’s Mobile Driving Simulator was demonstrated to representatives of local authorities the Mayor of Thessaloniki Mr. K. Zervas, Mayor for Environmental, Green and Sustainable Urban Mobility issues Mr. S. Dimitriadis, as well as the Regional Governor Mr. A. Tzitzikostas and Vice Regional Governor for Development and Environmental issues Mr. K. Gioutikas. They were also informed about HIT/CERTH’s actions and provided services in the domains of road safety and sustainable urban mobility. In parallel, a brief presentation of the project ODOS 2020 was made by Mr. Gogas, focusing on its innovations on road safety and environmental performance issues.