On the 21st of January 2020, at the Hellenic Parliament’s Special Permanent Committee on Regions, under the chairmanship of MP, Ms. Z. Makri, the Director of Research of Sector C: “Non-land Transport, Environmental and Economic Issues” of HIT/CERTH, Prof. Maria Boile, together with the Secretary General of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investments of the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy Dr. Evangelos Kyriazopoulos, informed the Committee members on the subject of “trends in the port sector with emphasis on ‘smart ports’”.
Prof. Boile’s presentation focused on three main issues. On the analysis of dominant trends in the port industry, the smart port concept and related new technologies, as well as on their application to the Greek port system. The factors influencing the value of a port and the role of a Region were detailed.