To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Drive2theFuture Horizon 2020 project, coordinated by CERTH/HIT, successfully organized its 3rd Plenary Meeting and its 1st Workshop in Brussels, on 4-6 March 2020. In the first two days, the project partners together with the Project Officer, Mr. Damian Bornas-Cayuela of INEA and the Advisory Board members, discussed the progress and next steps of the project. During the Workshop on March 6th, the project and its aims and achievements were presented by its Coordinator, Ms Evangelia Gaitanidou and its Technical Manager, Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris, while cooperation between related projects was highlighted by the presentation of PAsCAL, SUaAVE and Trustonomy projects by their Coordinators. More than 40 experts actively participated in the dedicated interactive sessions, contributing to the work on Use Cases, KPIs and Risks assessment. All participants were impressed by the ambitious prospects of the project and expressed their interest and willingness to support its future activities.

3rd Plenary Meeting

3rd Plenary Meeting

3rd Plenary Meeting

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