HIT/CERTH already in 2018, within the framework of a study commissioned by HEDNO S.A., developed a methodology for quantifying the minimum required charging infrastructure in a national level, with the aim of establishing a charging network capable of serving future demand for urban and inter-urban trips. This methodology was applied in Mainland Greece and indicated the number of charging stations that each Municipality and the main road network of Greece require. Moreover, within the framework of the KRIPIS project, HIT developed a methodology for determining the optimal locations for installing charging stations in urban areas. This methodology is mainly based on traffic data that HIT collects through Thessaloniki’s Smart Mobility Living Lab, which is a member of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). In view of the elaboration of Electric Vehicle Charging Plans by Greek Municipalities, HIT publishes the methodology, which was applied for the Municipality of Thessaloniki and was included in the list of good practices of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.
You can find the whole article here.