New data and forecasts for the immediate future of Transport were made by the Director of HIT/CERTH, Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris on Friday, July 2, 2021, presenting the main trends of Transport of the Future with emphasis on Electromobility, within the framework of the 4th Infrastructure & Transport Conference (ITC2021), in the section "Urban mobility is changing: changes: Greener fleets, new services, additional requirements."
During the discussion with the Secretary General of Transport of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Managing Directors of Transport for Athens “OASA S.A.”, Urban Rail Transport S.A. “STASY” and Road Transport S.A. OSY and the President of the Saracakis Group of Companies, it was emphasized that we should move towards vehicle sharing. Dr. Bekiaris mentioned: “In the near future the car ownership model will be replaced by a car sharing model. This will provide obvious benefits for the urban mobility, as well as will bring significant positive effect on the environment.
At the same time, Dr. Bekiaris has pointed out that the classic model of public and private sector support for urban transport implemented in both Athens and Greece with the partnership of KTEL - and also in Europe for the last 30 years, is expected to change.
The new, emerging international model is based on the partnership of Public and Private sectors together with Civil Society. So, for example, the implementation of urban freight transport will be based on neighborhood-level distribution centers with “last mile” distribution of goods performed by certified citizens (corresponding to the assistance of certified citizens in the transport of Uber-type passengers).
This obviously pushes the expansion towards the provision of new services, perfectly adapted to the requirements of the citizens, as well as to the improvement of the already existing ones, through the feedback from the users.