To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

The Integrated Traffic Management and Decision-Making Support System developed by HIT/CERTH in collaboration with a consortium of technology suppliers, was demonstrated at the stand of the Region of Central Macedonia at the Beyond 4.0 exhibition, the 1st Technology Exhibition in Thessaloniki. Mr. Tzitzikostas, Governor of Central Macedonia, had the opportunity to see in real time the operation of the system by the researchers of HIT.

The system connects existing traffic management centers with collaborative, connected and automated mobility. It is an online platform that uses multiple data sources from metering systems with the aim of monitoring key performance indicators in real time and automatically activating traffic management strategies with the help of traffic light management scenarios developed by HIT.

The overall system was presented at the 2nd Conference on Innovation and Digital Transformation of Local Government of Greece by Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou, Research Director HIT/CERTH and Mr. Theodoros Manikas, Head of Planning Department of the Technical Works Department of the Municipality of Central Macedonia.

Ayfantopoulou beyond

Tzitzikostas beyond

beyond meeting

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