To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Continuing its educational activity, HIT visited the 1st Primary School of Perea, on Tuesday, November 30th and conducted an experiential seminar to the students of 5th grade. The seminar entitled "Sustainable Urban Mobility" focused on the importance of sustainable mobility and the use of alternative transport modes that directly affect the protection of the environment and improve the quality of life for both residents and visitors of an urban area. After the presentation completion by HIT’s Transport Engineers (taking into account all the protocols and safety rules against Covid-19), the students were divided into small groups and worked collaboratively proposing solutions to specific issues they were asked to investigate. The topics included realistic scenarios, adapted to students’ daily mobility habbits, in order to identify the main problems of their area in terms of mobility and propose solutions and interventions that could improve the current situation. At the end, the students presented in groups the results of their collective effort which will be collected and sent to the Mayor's office for further discussion and uptake of actions!

 seminar for kids

seminar for kids

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