Acronym: SHOW
Project Title: SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption
Duration: 48 months (01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023)
Description: SHOW aims to support the migration path towards affective and persuasive sustainable urban transport, through technical solutions, business models and priority scenarios for impact assessment, by deploying shared, connected, electrified fleets of autonomous vehicles in coordinated Public Transport (PT), Demand Responsive Transport (DRT), Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and Logistics as a Service (LaaS) operational chains in real-life urban demonstrations in 5 Mega, 6 Satellite and 3 Follower Pilots taking place in 20 cities across Europe. By deploying a fleet of over 70 L4/L5 AVs of all types (buses, shuttles, pods, robo-taxis, automated cars connected with MaaS and cargo vehicles) and for all transport operators (passengers, cargo and mixed transport) in both dedicated lanes and mixed traffic, connected to a wide range of supporting infrastructure (5G, G5, IoT, etc.) and operating under traffic speeds ranging from 18 to over 50km/h, it aims to satisfy 7 UCs families and 22 single UCs; that together cover all urban automated mobility needs and wants of the stakeholders (i.e. as reported within SPACE initiative and in ERTRAC roadmap). Project pilots will last for 24 months, with real service seamless operation in each pilot site lasting at least 12 months and will transport with AV fleets over 1,500,000 passengers and 350,000 units of goods. Being the bigger and more holistic ever real life CCAV urban demonstration initiative, it is user led (by UITP) and realised by a Consortium of 69 Partners, 6 third parties and with the additional support of 60 stakeholders (connected through LoS, including major stakeholder Associations) and twinning actions with 11 organisations in the US, S. Korea, Australia, China, Taiwan and Singapore.
Objectives: Its specific objectives are as follows:
- To identify and specify priority urban automated mobility Use Cases (UCs) that guarantee high user acceptance, true user demand and cost-efficiency under realistic operation conditions; respecting the legal, operational and ethical limitations.
- To identify novel business roles and develop innovative business models and exploitable products/ services for sustainable automated fleet operations in urban and peri-urban environments.
- To develop an open, modular and inclusive system architecture and the enabling tools for it; that supports all UCs and allows for cross-site, cross-vehicle and cross-operators data collection, analysis and meta services realisation.
- To improve the necessary functionalities to all vehicle types (shuttles and pods, buses and cars) to allow the demonstration UCs to be realized, taking into account the local physical and digital infrastructure (5G, G5, …), weather and traffic conditions, improving their energy efficiency and safeguarding the safety of vulnerable and non-connected traffic participants through appropriated interfaces.
- To deploy demonstration fleets, infrastructure elements and connected services (DRT, MaaS, LaaS, etc.) to realise and validate seamless, personalized and shared electric Cooperative Connected Automated Vehicle (CCAV) services for all travellers in real urban and peri-urban traffic environments across Europe and, through a vast international collaboration at global level.
- To assess the impact at city level of shared automated cooperative and electric fleets through holistic impact assessment.
- To transfer the outcomes through proof of alternative operational schemes and business models to replication sites across Europe and beyond.
- To support evidence based deployment of urban traffic automation, through replication guidelines, road-mapping, reskilling and training schemes for the future workforce, input to certification and standardization actions and policy recommendations.
HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT role: CERTH/HIT is the Technical and Innovation Manager of the Innovation Action. HIT will also lead the work that will establish the ecosystem and capture its views in a cross-cutting way in the project. It will also describe the project Use Cases from the technical and user point of view, will lead the work related to the big data collection, processing and analytics, will lead the technical work that will handle the interaction between connected and non-connected traffic participants, will operate the continuous risk assessment of the project, will build dynamic personalised services and will contribute to most of the activities of the project. Last but not least, HIT will upgrade the automation level of its two i3 vehicles, will lead the follower site of Thessaloniki and will participate to the satellite site of Trikala in Greece.
Contact person:
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris
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Thessaloniki: +30-2310-498453
Athens: +30-211-1069599