Acronym: 5G-ROUTES
Project Title: 5th Generation connected and automated mobility cross-border EU trials
Duration: 36 months (01/09/2020-31/08/2023)
Description: 5G-ROUTES is a 3-year H2020 Innovation Project ( launched in September 2020. It aims to conduct advanced field trials of the most representative and innovative Connected & Automated Driving (CAD) applications seamlessly functioning across a designated 5G cross-border corridor (‘Via Baltica-North’) spanning across 3 EU member states borders (Latvia-Estonia-Finland) in order to validate the latest 5G features and 3GPP specifications under realistic conditions. Its ultimate target is to accelerate the widespread deployment of 5G interoperable CAM ecosystems and services in digitised motorways, railways and shipways throughout Europe.
HIT key role and responsibilities: Within 5G-ROUTES CERTH/HIT is involved in the following activities:
- Identification of requirements from the end-user CAM stakeholders, including the articulation of detailed use case scenarios and usability needs, and relevant target technological and business KPIs, which will be validated in the field trials.
- Preparation of the 5G-ROUTES CAM deployment plan and long-term strategies of full-scale deployment of 5G infrastructure along the entire ‘Via Baltica-North’ corridor.
- Involvement in three 5G cross-border use cases that will be deployed in the E264 motorway between Estonia and Latvia borders in Valga city and specifically to the UC 2.1 Real-time traffic info and cooperative intersection collision control, UC 3.2 Connected maintenance and UC 3.3 VRU collision avoidance. On this ground, CERTH is involved as well in the design, development, integration and pre-testing of the innovative AI-based technological enablers that will facilitate the execution of the field trials.
- Supporting advanced real-world field trials for innovative CAM services to validate the technological and business performance of use cases over 5G as well as the latest 5G features over 3GPP R.16 and R.17.
- Leading the Impact assessment and cost/benefit analysis of dedicated and validated 5G architecture and CAM to justify commercially the technologies and the deployment investments, whilst addressing the social and environmental impact.
Contact person:
Maria Gkemou
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+30 211 1069 553
Stella Nikolaou
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+30 211 1069 558