To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: MultiDEPART (https://multidepart-project.eu/)

Project Title: Multi-operator tool for managing Demand Responsive Transport

Duration: 12 months (01/04/2021– 31/03/2022)


Description & Objectives: 

MultiDEPART develops tools to plan, manage and monitor Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) solutions, targeting Public Transport Authorities (PTAs) and facilitate the harmonization and scalability of DRT services across European cities. The project aims at facing DRT related challenges by:

  • Defining a common methodology and KPIs to plan, design and monitor a DRT service
  • Develop the simulation and decision support tools required by PTAs to plan and manage DRT services
  • To characterize the different operational models, public-private collaboration frameworks and economic models most suitable for different scenarios, synthetizing the best-practices in each type of area

MultiDEPART tools were applied to Lisbon, Barcelona Metropolitan Area and Thessaloniki. The project is co-funded by EIT Urban Mobility.



HIT key role and responsibilities: ΗΙΤ’s role in the project lies on the specification of the test requirements in Thessaloniki through the identification of existing or new criteria for planning and operating DRT services, and monitoring tools in the city as it is expected in Task 2. HIT will also participate in Task 3 contributing to the definition of the common methodology for designing and planning Demand Responsive Transit (DRTs). Moreover, HIT will technically support the implementation of the pilot in Thessaloniki and will be responsible for all the developments required in Thessaloniki’s case study.


Contact person:
Dr. Josep Maria Salanova Grau 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+30 2310498433

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