Acronym: ITS Observatory
Project title: ITS Observatory
Duration: 30 months (01/05/2015 – 31/10/2017)
Description: ITS Observatory is a project co-funded by the European Union's HORIZON 2020 program aiming at creating the first Pan-European Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Observatory. This new platform ( is a comprehensive on-line tool that provides easily accessible and comprehensive information on ITS. The main objectives of the Observatory are to bridge the fragmentation of knowledge across Europe, to enhance the proliferation of ITS, to create an effective and user-friendly decision-making tool that supports policy-making and to create a common EU library for projects, research and pilot applications of ITS.
The observatory consists of: 1) an ITS database of projects that have been completed or are in progress, 2) an ITS information registry and 3) a user-friendly search tool for ITS.
The content of ITS Observatory is divided into seven top categories: “Deployed ITS”, “Who´s who”, “Community”, “Product & Services”, “News”, “Events”, and “Resources”. The first contains all ITS solutions of relevance deployed across Europe. The second is related to organisations and persons in the European ITS sector and is divided in to two subcategories: Organisations and Members. Community contains a discussion forum with six subcategories: Traveller Information, Traffic Management & Control, Freight & Logistics, Smart Vehicles, Mobility Services, and Public Transport. Product & Services includes ITS tools, software and similar related to ITS. News contain information about new information in it broadest perspective, while Events contains information about past and upcoming events. These are mostly related to various conferences and workshops in the field of ITS. Resources are divided into four subcategories: Policy and legislation, Standards, Publications and Links.
Objectives: The purpose of ITS Observatory is to bridge existing knowledge gaps in ITS by providing decision makers with a "smart" online platform with access to up-to-date and precise information on ITS implementation, as well as comprehensive information on the results of ITS implementation in order to assist actors in the development and implementation of similar future projects. Therefore, the ITS Observatory offers a reliable and user friendly decision-making tool, in the form of an ever-updated ITS library, and a tool for exchanging views through its on-line community forum.
The ITS Observatory is an interactive tool whose success is based on its support from ITS stakeholders. More specifically, all the information that exists, and will be added in the future, comes directly from its registered users. For this reason, it is important to provide information on developments in ITS sector by the directly involved entities who can easily register at the observatory and record any information (information on ITS projects and products, events related to ITS, regulations on ITS, etc.) they consider should be published. The ITS Observatory is a project co-funded by the European Union's HORIZON 2020 program.
HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT as project partner and technical coordinator of the project has undertaken the following actions:
- Coordination of all actions for the development of the Observatory from a technical point of view
- Coordination of the technical assessment and validation of platform’s operations
- Establishment of a strategy for the effective involvement of relevant stakeholders in the creation and population of the Observatory's content
- Definition of users’ needs
- Definition of the specifications of the content and system’s Architecture
- Collection and analysis of primary data and information as content of the Observatory
- Definition of the system’s evaluation methodology by users and analysis of the results of the evaluation
- Dissemination and publicity of the Observatory
Contact Person:
Panagiotis Iordanopoulos
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+30 2310 498 443
Evangelos Mitsakis
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+30 2310 498 459