To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Project Title: Freight and passengers sUpporting infomobiliTy systems for a sUstainable impRovEment of the competitiveness of port-hinterland systems of the MED area
Duration: 36
months (01/6/2012 – 31/05/2015)

Description: FUTUREMED is a project under the MED Programme that aims to improve the competitiveness of port systems in the MED area by improving accessibility through technology and procedural innovations, and guaranteeing sustainability of transport. The project addresses three strategic sectors: freight, passenger and touristic traffics and focuses on the realization of interoperable management information systems and on the reduction of transport related externalities. It will define and implement, by means of concerted territorial actions and pilot projects, sustainable middle- and long-term development strategies focusing on the removal of the current barriers concerning accessibility of ports (seaside and landside), port – hinterland integration, the development of logistics activities and intermodal transport connected with ports and the development of infomobility aiming at fostering attractiveness and making port system more efficient; on the specialization of port systems.

Objectives: Technical solution aiming at:

  1. Trade facilitation through the improvement of specific aspects of the current complex administrative procedures (e.g. customs, reporting formalities) involving a wide variety of procedures, documents and involved bodies/authorities
  2. Improvement of effectiveness and efficiency of intermodal transport through enhanced visibility of the different Supply Chain activities
  3. Improvement of maritime passenger and cruise transport through the provision of passenger infomobility services
  4. Reduction of externalities of transport and supply chain networks in the Mediterranean through optimized exploitation of existing infrastructures
  5. Solutions for specific supply chains (e.g. agro-food)
  6. Setting up a permanent Observatory that will gather already existing initiatives and solutions, couple them with the technical developments of the project and create governance procedures and sustainability after the project life cycle
  7. National Stakeholders Platforms, counseling on issues related to maritime and intermodal transport in the Mediterranean area.

HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT is Partner in the project.


Contact person:
Georgia Aifadopoulou
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+30 2310498451

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