Project Title: development of an adaptive wireless sensor-based dashboard system for seCuring pERishaBlE pRoduct sUpply chainS
Duration: 24 months (29/07/2021 – 28/07/2023)
Description: In today’s global and increasingly dynamic and turbulent economic environment, supply chains (SC) are confronted with numerous events that threaten to disrupt SC operational activities and jeopardize the security of their products. On this basis, the dynamic visibility of the products’ status throughout the whole SC constitutes an effective tool towards the maintenance of the products’ integrity, as it provides cargo owners with the flexibility to react on-time in the case of an emergency. The CERBERUS project develops a holistic system that supports the preservation of the consumption security of perishable products at all stages of their supply chain, while maintaining the integrity and secure exchange of information between the functional parts of the system. More specifically, the project develops: i) an adaptive, to different bandwidth ranges, wireless sensor technology, that monitors the values of the safety standards of the perishable cargo as well as its location, ii) secure interfaces (secure APIs) with the databases of the system and iii) decision support platform that evaluates the values of the safety standards of the perishable products.
The project is co‐financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE (project code: Τ2EDK-02748).
Objectives: The main objectives of the project are:
- Development of disposable wireless sensors with low detection costs
- Development of adaptive wireless sensors with thermal penetration capabilities
- Development of a monitoring platform
- Development of technology for secure exchange and storage of detection data
HIT key role and responsibilities: Scientific coordinator of the project.
ΗΙΤ will analyse the literature and recognize in collaboration with the other partners the requirements of the end-users and will proceed with the development of algorithms that will recognize variations in the prices of the safety specifications of the perishable products as well as contribute to development of the monitoring platform.
Contact person:
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou
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+30 2310 498 457