To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Project Title: Modular and Flexible Solutions for Urban-Sized Zero-Emissions Last-Mile Delivery and Services Vehicles
Duration: 36 months (01/01/2021 – 31/12/2024)

Description & Objectives: Description & Objectives: URBANIZED develops and demonstrates the next generation of modular vehicle architectures for urbansized commercial e-vehicles, satisfying design principles of optimisation and right-sizing vehicles for their mission, delivering outputs in 3 dimensions:

  • high-performance e-powertrain components and control architectures, through the use of advanced co-design approaches;
  • interchangeable, plug & play cargo modules for different urban freight transport use case scenarios and
  • integrated energy and fleet management strategies using data, connectivity and learning algorithms.

URBANIZED follows a holistic design approach working at 3 levels (systems, vehicle, fleet) during the entire project: starting with the definition of specific mission profiles within 2 main pre-selected use cases (last-mile delivery of retail, e-commerce, courier and post; HoReCa and other urban on-demand services), during the optimisation loops of the design process, and until project demonstrations, to be performed both physical and in virtual environments, covering the specific requirements of operators. URBANIZED brings a complementary multidisciplinary consortium of 9 partners from 6 EU countries, involving all relevant actors from the value chain, from academic, to industrial (TIER1, OEMs) and logistics operators. Aiming at broadening dissemination and impact, URBANIZED defines an extended partnership, involving 3 satellite cities (Groningen, Madrid and Bergen) committed to CO2-emissions free logistics in their city centres by 2030 and a high volume OEM (Ford) highly positioned in the LCV market, all interested in replicability of project results.

HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH will lead WP7 “Evaluation & impact assessment”. Its main contributions along the project will be in the development of the fleet management algorithms for electric and modular vehicles, the execution of the impact assessment, the in-silico demonstration, the preparation of the policy recommendations and the development of the simulation environment to test the fleet management algorithms. Additionally, CERTH will contribute in most of the other WPs with most important contributions on the training and dissemination of the new modular electric vehicles and their use, on the risk analysis using the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis method and the design and fabrication of the electric handtruck.

Contact person:
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou
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+30 2310498457


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