Acronym: ENT III
Project Title: ERANET Transport III
Duration: 24 months (01/10/2012-30/09/2014)
Description & Objectives: The ERA-NET TRANSPORT pre-dominantly serves to the owners and managers of transport research programmes. By facilitating cooperation among publicly financed transport research programmes it is ENT’s goal to improve the outcome and quality of transport research in Europe. The main mechanism is seen in the structuring of the European Research Area (ERA) for Transport.
Since its foundation the ERA-NET TRANSPORT has initiated and implemented several activities and is currently defining further, even more advanced measures to make the ERA for Transport become reality.
Successful cooperation requires a solid and suitable basis and framework, which will be the subject of coming ENT-driven activities. One of these horizontal future initiatives will be the provision of a database on national transport research programmes and national R&D results. Furthermore the ENT sees a need to encourage and enable less-experienced partners to participate in trans-national cooperation as well as in the European Framework Programme. ENT facilitates this target by supporting these partners in their development of appropriate structures, processes and transport research programmes.
HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT is Partner of the project.
Contact person:
Maria Boile
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+30 211 1069 591