To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

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 Acronym: SAFEMODE
Project Title: Strengthening synergies between Aviation and maritime in the area of human Factors towards achieving more Efficient and resilient MODE of transportation is a 42-month H2020 project.
Duration: 42 months (01/06/2019- 30/11/2022)

Description: The SAFEMODE project has a duration of 42 months, from 1 June 2019 to 30 November 2022, and it is a Research and Innovation Action project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme (Grant Agreement No 814961). The main aim of SAFEMODE project is to develop a novel Human Risk Informed Design (HURID) framework in order to identify, collect and assess data for Human Factors. HURID will enable risk-based design of transport systems and operations, in the aviation and maritime sectors.

Objectives: The main objectives of SAFEMODE are

  • Create tools and methodologies for assuring human performance.
  • Create HURID, a Human Risk-Informed Design framework to support Human Factors analysis in design and operations.
  • Customize HURID to the specific characteristics of both domains.
  • Exploit project results by supporting Regulatory Framework developments in the industry

SAFEMODE will improve assessment and management of human risk factors for design and operations in maritime and aviation industries by:

  • Providing risk models that allow human actions to be understood in relation to safety incidents.
  • factors that are appropriate for both domains.
  • Establishing a framework able to document and assess quantitatively the human contribution to failure and success.
  • Selecting best in class Human Factor methods and tools, customizing them into the Human Risk Informed Design (HURID) framework.

HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH-HIT acts as the project leader for the work package titled: Dissemination and Communication Activities. The aim of this work package is:

  • • To widely disseminate the project’s activities and outcomes to a wide range of stakeholders in Europe and beyond
  • • To implement and update an appropriate online presence (website, social media) and other relevant dissemination material to ensure continuous outreach of the project outcomes
  • • To reach target groups (scientific community, industry end users, operational representatives, policy makers and general public) at regional, national, European and Global level.
  • • To organise project key events and demonstrations and ensure cooperation with the most important international forums, as well as liaise with related projects and initiatives

Contact person:
Prof. Maria Boile
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+30 2111 069 591

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