To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: ReTEMS
Project Title: Development of a low-cost real-time emissions measurement system
18 months (01/05/2020 - 31/10/2021 )

Description: The realistic quantification of the pollutants emissions is essential for the success of any future targets of the European Union to improve the atmospheric air quality. The recent increase of PEMS usage reveals an increasing demand for accurate emissions assessment studies; however these are limited due to the high costs associated with PEMS testing. Moreover, the new European legislation (post-EURO6) will also be targeting in non-conventional pollutants such as NH3, N2O, etc. EMISIA, following these upcoming regulatory changes and meeting its obligations for fleet emissions monitoring, will develop a Real Time Emission Measurement System (ReTEMS). The ReTEMS device consists of commercially available cheap gas and particle detecting sensors, an exhaust gas preparation-sampling system and an electrical circuit for signal processing and recording. The project’s upcoming actions are bibliographic research for suitable sensors, design and implementation of electronic circuits and the sampling system, the assembly of the device and the completion of test operation in both laboratory conditions and on the real world in cars, trucks and ships.

HIT key role and responsibilities: Subcontractor

    Not all sensors, that are going to be used, have the controllers and moreover are not fully compatible. HIT, in the framework of the project, studies and constructs an electronic circuit that will serve all sensors of the device.


    The novelty of the device is the design and production of an original sampling system, which creates the right exhaust gas conditions to apply economic sensors in order to create a cost-effective portable pollutant measurement device. Its development and market availability will lead to surveillance and control of vehicle emissions on a large scale.


Contact person:
Dr. Dimitris Margaritis
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+30 2310 498467

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